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An excessive overjet is when the upper front teeth stick out farther than 2mm past the lower front teeth. Sometimes they’re called “buck teeth.”
Although an excessive overjet may not cause dental issues, it can make people self-conscious about smiling. In some cases, it can increase the risk of dental trauma and cause chewing or speech problems.
Fortunately, there are several options for fixing an excessive overjet. Correcting an overjet can restore proper teeth alignment and give you a beautiful smile that increases confidence.
You may have a severely excessive overjet if you’re experiencing some or most of the problems we listed below:
Excessive overjets and overbites are misaligned bites involving the relationship between the upper and lower front teeth.
Although they are commonly interchanged terms, there are key differences between the two conditions:
Straighten your teeth at a fraction of the cost. Learn about clear aligners.
If you’re not experiencing problems, you may not need to correct your overjet. However, an excessive overjet won’t go away on its own.
You’ll need to see a general dentist, who may refer you to an orthodontist and/or oral surgeon. Depending on the severity of your overjet, treatment options may include:
Braces are a common orthodontic treatment for misaligned teeth, including an excessive overjet. They also fix crowded, gapped, and crooked teeth.
Traditional braces are metal brackets that attach to your teeth. Over time, they pull your teeth into the correct positions. Most people wear braces for 18 to 24 months.
Clear aligners may be an alternative to braces. Invisalign is a popular brand of removable clear aligners that gradually straighten teeth. it’s an effective treatment that typically works faster than traditional metal braces.
However, it can only correct mild to moderate misalignment issues. You’ll wear each Invisalign tray for a few weeks. Eventually, your teeth move into the desired position.
You may be able to use certain functional appliances to fix poor alignment and buck teeth. Some devices are temporarily glued in; others are removable and only worn for a few hours daily.
Veneers are a cosmetic treatment that covers dental imperfections, including an excessive overjet. They’re thin shells that fit over natural teeth to cover the front surface of each tooth.
Dental veneers can last up to 20 years, depending on the material they’re made from. Porcelain veneers last the longest but are also more expensive.
A dental crown, also known as a cap, is an artificial tooth that covers the entire surface of a natural tooth. It’s colored to match your other teeth (or as close a fit as possible). A dental crown can make protruding top teeth appear uniform and aligned.
Dental bonding refers to a filling that changes a tooth’s size and/or shape. It’s made of composite resin.
Dental bonding can help an excessive overjet by slightly changing the size and shape of your teeth. This can make the teeth appear in alignment with one another.
Dental bonding can last a long time. However, it may need to be replaced every several years.
If your child has an excessive overjet, their dentist may recommend removing one or more baby teeth to create space for the adult teeth to grow in.
Your dentist may also recommend extraction for severely crowded teeth. Sometimes, tooth extraction is necessary before orthodontic treatment, such as dental braces.
Jaw surgery involves moving the upper or lower jaw (or both) up, down, in, or out. It can also involve shortening or lengthening one of the jaws.
Jaw surgery is a serious procedure that requires a lengthy recovery time. Depending on the surgery you need, jaw surgery may require a short hospital stay and several weeks or months of recovery.
Many factors can cause your upper front teeth to stick out too far. Common causes of an excessive overjet include:
If you suspect you or a loved one has this condition, we highly recommend seeking the advice and help of a qualified dental professional to examine your teeth.
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