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Water fluoridation is a crucial public health measure that helps prevent tooth decay and promote oral health. In New Hampshire, the percentage of the population with access to fluoridated water has been gradually increasing over the years. However, the state still falls below the national average in terms of fluoridation coverage. This article explores the current state of water fluoridation in New Hampshire, highlighting key statistics and trends.
Here are some eye-opening statistics about water fluoridation in New Hampshire:
The percentage of New Hampshire’s population with access to fluoridated water has been increasing over time.
Despite this growth, New Hampshire still lags behind the national average in providing access to fluoridated water to its residents.
When compared to national figures, New Hampshire’s fluoridation coverage is significantly lower.
New Hampshire’s approach to water fluoridation is unique, as the state does not mandate fluoridation statewide.
This local decision-making process plays a significant role in the implementation of water fluoridation policies within the state.
The lower rate of fluoridation in New Hampshire compared to the national average suggests that there is room for improvement in promoting oral health among its residents.
Expanding access to fluoridated water could help reduce tooth decay and improve overall oral health in the state.
In conclusion, while New Hampshire has made progress in increasing access to fluoridated water over the years, the state still falls below the national average in fluoridation coverage. The local decision-making process for fluoridation policies has contributed to this lower rate. Increasing access to fluoridated water in New Hampshire could have a significant positive impact on the oral health of its residents, bringing the state closer to national benchmarks for fluoridation coverage.
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